The phase “Think globally, act locally” has been widely known and universally used in various fields and context, especially in business.
If you have the dream and the ambition of doing business across borders and making your enterprise international, you will need a wise globalization strategy. Interestingly, the key to a successful globalization strategy lies in a good localization plan.
You might face many challenges when doing business in another country such as legal issues, political problems, language barriers and cultural differences. Meanwhile legal issues and political problems are not in your hand to change, language and cultural differences can be easily solved if you have a good localization partner.
Language adaption
In the localization process, language adaption is a prerequisite for gaining local acceptance and success. With the help of a translation provider, the communication gap is no longer an obstacle for you to penetrate into a new market. Undoubtedly, translation is becoming crucial and even inevitable because not everyone speaks English and everyone prefers their native language. In this world of diversity, translation helps connect the globe and connect local customers with international businesses. Just by talking and writing in a language that your global audiences can understand and relate to, you have successfully built the bridge to another market.
Cultural differences solution
You can also deal with cultural differences by means of translation. Since translation is a 2-way interaction, you let customers understand you and at the same time, you get to know your customers’ customs and behaviors. By having a professional localization partner translate the needed information and surveys into your own language, you can prepare suitable modifications and adjustments to fit a target society. That’s when you “act local” and gain global success.
“Think globally, act locally” is the best strategy for any companies in terms of international expansion. This strategy has brought global success to Nokia, Samsung, McDonalds and many others. In the “going international” process, companies might face many challenges including language barriers and cultural differences. The best solution for you to overcome these obstacles is to have a good localization provider and careful market penetration tactics. Once you have those elements, global success is in your hand.